The Reparto volanti (Flying Unit) controls the various Squadra Volante (Flying Squads), is a section of the Ufficio Prevenzione Generale e Soccorso Pubblico (General Office of Prevention and Public Aid) of the Italian State Police, headed by an official of the State Police, they are present in every police station. The same service performed by personnel Commissariats is instead defined with Autoradio (radio car), differentiating them from the Flying Squads.
The cars are the ultimate calling card for the State Police because their crews are in direct contact with citizens, and that direct radio from Operating Center (TOC) to the police of any distress call received by the number of Public Aid 113. For this reason, operators and Flying Car must be able to address any type of interventions, from simple noises to family disputes or building up to more serious events such as fights, muggings, robberies or murders.
Flying Squads from one department may go out for two or more teams each patrol, depending on the size of the police station and, therefore, of the city. In medium and large cities, each wheel is assigned a quadrant, or a specific and precise area / route to be covered, the dials often coincide with areas of jurisdiction of police stations in the area, although it is easy to find more than one for each quadrant commissioner. Each turn of the wheel is headed by an inspector coordinator who is responsible for all units, it is precisely the coordinator who, at the tour beginning, decides the training of crews, the quadrants to be assigned and the flying to be performed by any service other than from early intervention (fixed surveillance, orderly, treatments of traffic stops, gearboxes, etc.)..
The patrols, in addition to the service of crime repression, have another type of service often overlooked but very important, the service of prevention. The policemen of the Flying Squads know their area of jurisdiction and the people who usually frequent it, carefully observe their surroundings and not carry out interventions (in jargon "normal service" means any activity of patrol), and this observation allows both to intervene promptly in case of need, both to deter a possible attacker, frightened by the presence of agents.